Sunday, November 9, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions

(This post is part of an assignment for the class I am taking, Writing for Digital Media at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.This week, I am writing FAQs related the web site I proposed earlier,

1. I want to write a review, but I don't know how.

We have created a sample restaurant review here that you can use as a template. There is another good article on this subject here. We don't expect all reviews to be perfect, just honest and fair.

2. Why can't I add more than 10 photos?

We encourage you to take lots of pictures. However, we want you to pick the five or ten that best tell your story (deleted: "tell your story best"). You are welcome to link to an album containing all of your photos. A site like photobucket or flickr can help you do this.

3. Too many other people have reviewed the restaurant I want to review. Why bother?

Your star rating counts as a "vote" towards the average that everyone sees on the restaurant's review (deleted: "home") page. In addition, we rotate the reviews that are highlighted on that home page, so yours could easily get some good visibility.

4. What if I forgot to check out the sanitation grade, or other important details?

Not all fields are required -- most are not -- because someone else can go back in and enter it for you, or you can enter it later. This is how the crowd helps contribute to each home page.

5. Why does the review have to be 500 characters?

We want you tell a complete story. Short, poorly thought out reviews are not welcome. So we made a character limit.

6. What if I didn't take any pictures at all?

That's okay. Although highly recommended, you don't have to have photos. Your review will not be highlighted on a home page, however, without pictures.

7. I work for a restaurant, can I write a review?

Sure, but we prefer that you not review the restaurant you work for. This would be conflict of interest.

8. I own/manage a restaurant, can I do anything about a bad review?

Anyone can comment on each review. If you think something in the review was completely inappropriate, deceitful, slanderous, etc., write to our support staff and we'll look into it.

9. Can you start a site like this in my city/town?

Actually, you can. Just send in a request via this link (also located at the bottom of the home page) and we will set up a site for your region.

10. Can I write a review about a restaurant that is not in my city?

Yes, that's fine. Just post it the correct city and let us know you were traveling, that can be important information to know. And feel free to include anything travel-related people would want to know as well!

Have a different question? Just email us!

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